(713) 759-6430

Houston Traumatic Brain Injuries Lawyer

Attorney and nurse, Joyce Stamp Lilly is uniquely qualified to represent victims of traumatic brain injury or closed head injury whose accident occurred as a result of another party’s negligence in Houston, Texas and nearby communities.

Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics

There are more than one million incidences of traumatic brain injury in the U.S. each year.  It is considered to be the greatest killer of young people in our fast-paced world, taking more young lives than cancer or any other cause. And for those who survive traumatic brain injury, daily life becomes an often daunting challenge. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that more than 5 million people in the United States are left with disabilities as a result of brain injuries.

Traumatic brain injury often destroys people’s lives and the stability of the families of the injured.  Closed head injuries can result not only in physical pain and disability, but also in behavioral or psychological changes that can result in family problems, business failure, and interpersonal conflict.  It is often an invisible disability, as the injured person may appear to have recovered; yet devastating effects remain for years afterward, affecting all whose lives are touched by the person who suffered the accident.

Traumatic Head Injury Attorney

Perhaps the brain injury was a result of a car crash, a workplace accident, a fall, or other impact.  Whatever the reason for the injury, if it was due to the negligence of another, nurse and Attorney, Lilly considers it a just cause to pursue the responsible party or parties to seek monetary relief for the victim and his or her family.

In addition to utilizing her legal expertise to obtain financial compensation, Attorney and nurse, Lilly applies her nursing background to every case.  The goal is to coordinate rehabilitation to ensure that not only physical ailments that were a result of an injury are treated, but also those brought on by the often unseen effects of a closed head injury. Contact Joyce Stamp Lilly, R.N., J.D., P.C., Attorney at Law for a free consultation today.

Attorney Lilly welcomes requests for no cost initial consultations with persons who have been victimized by traumatic brain injuries, as well as with their families or attorneys.   A great deal of her legal practice consists of teamwork undertaken with other lawyers who are engaged in personal injury lawsuits on behalf of victims of brain damage.  This approach often maximizes the talents that each lawyer brings to the case, without increasing legal fees for the client. Call today: (713) 759 6430


"She was always ready to explain things, answer questions. Did a great job for me. Truly a helpful Houston personal injury lawyer."

- Mark, Beaumont

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